The Unborn Should Have Ended Up on the Cutting Room Floor

**Warning Spoiler but you may want to read**

Well I am not sure how a piece of junk movie like this has ever been made. Who in their right mind thought of this? I think that my wife and I could sit down in 30 min’s and come up with a better scary movie then this hunk of crap. The worst part is the acting was great, the photography was great, and the direction was awesome. The Story just out right sucked. The true name of this movie should be… Dyson, Great looks, Great commercial, and could suck the carpet off your floor. So that is how I really feel. Let me see if I get this right. There was a TV episode on what show I don’t recall but the execs were sitting around talking about what has to be in the movie for it to be a block buster. Well let’s see if they had them all.

  1. There was a teenage star.
  2. There was a shower seen (no nudity)
  3. There was a number of Boo moments. (Where everyone jumps)
  4. There was a freaky kid chasing everyone
  5. There was a love scene
  6. There was a best friend who we knew would be one of the first to go.
  7. The lights in this movie seem to not have the ability to stay on.
  8. The always loved climax chased scene
  9. Then the ever inevitable star running into a room with no escape.
  10. Oh we can not forget the Super Natural feeling there.
  11. And that stupid Dad that likes to head out on business trips when his daughter is having a breakdown.
  12. The Mirror is the real way to travel to other worlds.

Well I think we hit 10 of what they may have needed to make this a great movie, but someone over there at the studio should tell Michael Bay that this movie has already been made did he just take small parts from other movies. Let’s see there was The Ring, The Grudge, The Exorcist, Omen, and the smart mouthed kid calling people an A-Hole. And a movie made in the 80’s I think about the bad guy jumping around and taking over other peoples bodies.

One other side note that I just had to mention here. There is a picture in the movie that was dated to 1988 when the star was still in the womb, she find old film from when her mother committed suicide that looked to me like the old history films I watched back in 1970. Here is what I don’t understand, I remember 1988 I was in high school then, we had VCR’s, and shoulder held cameras to film, not this old 8mm junk no one used that back in 88.

Now I must admit there were some really good parts to this so called movie. See we were sitting there in the first row of the stadium sitting in a room full of kids no where close to 17, and no adult (But who cares, if this gives them nightmares they really need some help). So this on kid all of 14 thought that he would add some of his own action to the movie, He snuck up behind a bunch of girls during a dark scene and was more then happy to grab her on the shoulder. That was the loudest scream I heard all night, followed by the theater filled with laughter.

Mr. Bay, if you were to somehow read this and I doubt you will, please thing of some of your own stuff, you have made some great movies, heck I even liked Pearl Harbor. But as I look at what you have either in production or in the works, I believe I see only one that is not going to be either a remake or a sequel. Please tell me you did not jump the shark just yet. Have you been sitting around with M. Night kicking back some brews? How could you make this junk? I am looking forward to seeing the next Friday the 13th, but I know what to expect, and from the preview this will be an awesome flick. Please don’t leave us now, I believe you have much more in you then this piece of junk.

Odette Yustman, you have some talent. Keep it up. But please check the script better; you know what just read the script, I was staring to think this was the next “Scary Movie” the movie spoofs.

So the final call on this one, folks if you like a good Boo scare, rent this in a month when it hits the shelves, turn out the lights and enjoy otherwise. Skip it. It’s not even on my rent list.

Tell me what you think.

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