Righteous Kill

When you take two incredible actors, I mean top notch guys, these are the best at what they do, they are both just incredible actors they do the best rolls and they play them to a T. Now when you put them into to the same movie you would expect Magic. The movie of that they talk about for years, a movie that just clicks, it sits in your mind and all the one liners or the scenes never leave your mind. Me I think of lines like “Say what again” or “Zed is Dead baby, Zeds Dead”. What about “Luke I am your father” or “Houston I think we have a problem”. Now my quotes are not dead on, but I think you could pick the movies they are from. Well now I know why the DVD of a Righteous Kill came out so quickly.

The chemistry between Robert De Niro and Al Pacino was awesome; these two were meant to be in movies together. These guys are studs, the attitude comes out and the passion for what they do is there. So why did this hurt to watch? Maybe hurt is a strong word. The movie was not bad, but is was bad for what these two could do. Oh wait I am having a tangent thought here, lets develop this…

There is De Niro he leads one of the biggest families in Chicago, but then there is Pacino and he is leading the other big family in Chicago, toss in Joe Pesci and Frank Vincent as Captains for either family, and then the guy Gandolfini as the thug who plays for both crews. Gandolfini, decides that he wants to run the city and starts a war between the two families. He waits to see the bodies fall and swoops in to pick up the pieces. He becomes the new King of the streets and owns Chicago and does it without raising a gun.

Now there is a story where you can see all the actors in rolls they were made for, what is the good cop bad cop crap? The actors are what made this movie and the rating that I give it, but story lacks some luster, It’s not bad, but not great, and great actors need great stories. I really hope this is not the last time I see these two together. They played off each other like Robin Williams and Billy Crystal did for so many years. This movie has got to be between a must rent and a maybe buy. I think I will buy it because I think so highly of who they are and well, I could not stand to see this not be in my collection.

I have to tell you my favorite scene is when they are at the gun range, it’s a short scene but it shows how these two guys feel, one says between the eyes after letting a round fly down range, the second says, Two between the eyes after letting two fly down range, well it was something like that. But let those boys compete.

What about a cool Jack Nicholson playing the Irish mobster in New York and then De Niro and Pacino are the Italian competitors to each other that have to come together to take down the Irish Mob, who would win that one.

When I see these guys I don’t want another Steel Magnolia’s, I want to see bullets fly, I want to see bodies on the ground, I want to see De Niro pissed and Pacino losing his mind over some crazy stuff. I want to see better writing for some of the best two actors in the world. They deserve it.

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